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Rachel Kuipers


I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Math Education from Calvin College in 2003 and began teaching math at South Christian that fall. I later received my Master’s degree in Math education from Western Michigan University. I married Kyle in 2004 and we have been blessed with three children: Caleb, Joselyn and Kendall. We now spend most of our time away from work together as a family playing outdoors, reading books, and keeping up with the kids’ school activities and sports games and practices. I also enjoy running or biking for occasional moments of quiet, outdoor activity.

Faith Statement

Teaching at South Christian is a great blessing for me. Working in a Christian School allows me to openly bring my faith into my teaching, challenging students to reflect on God’s orderly creation, His grandeur and His will for our lives. My hope is that I can impact students toward a life of integrity – striving each day to please God through their actions and the use of their abilities.