We just finished celebrating Pentecost in the church calendar. Acts 2:1-4a tells the story: “When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit” (ESV). South Christian students walk past our central pillar in the school each day, which has a mosaic on it with tongues of fire to remind students that a Christian community empowered by the Holy Spirit is how God invites the church to change the world.
This year South Christian would have been a very different place if it were not a community of Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit. It is with deep gratitude that I look back on this year and call it very successful in spite of the circumstances in the world around us.
- Teachers have worked diligently and flexibly to deliver lessons in a variety of circumstances, and all our research indicates a year with minimal learning loss and many recoveries from last spring.
- Staff has worked tirelessly to support teachers and students with clean indoor spaces for learning while also keeping outdoor spaces available for learning and events, such as graduation.
- Staff also safely fed our students and planned events that were safe and fun.
- Parents have supported their students with care during online times and quarantines.
- Donors made sure that families in need had tuition assistance.
- Students have worked hard throughout this whole time to learn and form their faith.
The South Christian community, relying entirely on the Holy Spirit, has changed the world by loving our students all year.
Looking back, I have three competing feelings about the year. First, I am amazed that we finished an entire year in which any student who needed it could get instruction, mostly in person, each day. This encourages me to find people to thank for a great year. I am also tired because maximizing student opportunities to grow and learn has taken all the creative energies of everyone in this community, including me. This summer, I will be taking the sabbath as seriously as possible. Finally, my heart is full because the Lord has honored the work of this community and allowed us to craft a beautiful year of growth for our students. Because of this, I will tell of God’s faithfulness every chance I get. Thank you each for your role in making this year happen.
—Jim Peterson, Head of School