After attempting to avoid going into education at the beginning of my college career, God nudged me into Social Studies education during my freshman year at Michigan State University. In the midst of some of the most chaotic years in recent history, I was able to graduate, student teach and find my first job. I graduated from MSU’s James Madison College with a degree in Comparative Cultures and Politics and a Secondary Education certification, then student-taught Government and US history for a year at Holland Public High school. I then taught a life-giving year of 6/7 Reading, Writing, and Social Studies at The Potter’s House in Grand Rapids. The idea of coming back to teach Government and Social Studies at South started to form when God first pushed me toward education, and I am excited and surprised to be able to fulfill that dream so early in my teaching career.
I’ve spent the last six summers working in various positions at Camp Roger in Rockford, getting to encounter and celebrate God’s love for his children through relationships and experiences in creation. I deeply enjoy being outdoors, experiencing the refreshing and restorative joy of creation. I love to read, embroider, play volleyball, run, and occasionally get lost in the Star Wars Galaxy or the MCU (depending on which is next up on the release schedule).